Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cameron Douglas, the son of actor Michael Douglas, has been sentenced to five years in prison on drug charges by a New York judge.

Federal Judge Richard Berman announced the sentence Tuesday after hearing Douglas, 31, apologize and admit that he had squandered a lot of opportunities to turn his life around.

The judge said earlier that he did not have confidence that Douglas would turn his back on drugs after pleading guilty in January to drug charges.

Last week, Berman denied a request from the defense team to keep the sentencing private and

Michael Douglas' son Cameron was just sentenced to five years in prison -- for his role in a major drug dealing operation.

Cameron Douglas -- along with his father and his mother Diandra -- was present in federal court in Manhattan today when the judge fired off the sentence.

Along with the prison time, Cameron was ordered to pay $25,000 in fines and must serve 450 hours of community service. Once he's out of the joint, Cameron is also required to spend an additional 5 years in a supervised release program.

Back in January, Cameron pled guilty to dealing large amounts of methamphetamine and cocaine

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