Saturday, April 24, 2010

Papa Lohan brings cops to Lindsay's house

Things are getting out of control over at the Lindsay Lohan household.

Father Michael Lohan paid a visit to the troubled actress' L.A. home to do a quasi intervention. But not for Linds -- for her younger sister, Ali, who has been staying there.

MiLo brought the L.A. County Sheriff's Department to check on his hopefully still-innocent lamb.

``I went to the police department concerned about Ali's welfare,'' dad told,

dsay, she's Tweeting in a fury, calling Michael her ``ex-dad,'' and saying she wants a restraining order.

Cops also questioned LiLo over the heist of a $35,000 Rolex watch (a pal left it at her pad).


Another financially plagued actress: Christina Ricci .

According to a federal tax lien, the Speed Racer actress owes Uncle Sam $180,000 in unpaid taxes from 2008.

A rep says Ricci was told about the lien and is taking ``immediate action.''


manda Peet has given birth to her second daughter. Molly June joins big sister Frances. Dad is screenwriter David Benioff.

The 2012 star, 38, had been set to go on the Late Show with David Letterman to promote her u

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