Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dreams 'can help with learning'

Napping after learning something new could help you commit it to memory – as long as you dream, scientists say. They found people who dream about a new task perform it better on waking than those who do not sleep or do not dream. …
Naps boost memory, but only if you dreamCNN
Got a Tough Task

Sigmund Freud thought dreams were a window into our unfulfilled sexual desires. But the dreams of video game players suggest they have a more practical role: helping us to learn new skills.

"It really looks like if you're not dreaming about it, you're not getting better," says Robert Stickgold of Harvard Medical School, who carried out one of the video game studies.

The studies don't prove that dreaming about games makes players better. But they strongly suggest that dreaming and learning are intertwined.

That sleep can help with learning and memory is well established. What's more, the more people dream during the light sleep characterised by rapid eye movements (REM), the better they recall memories. But whether the specific content of dreams plays a role in this sleep-learning process wasn't clear.

Before sleeping, drink a glass of water and say you will remember your dreams. Plus, whenever you wake during sleep, you first thought should be, "what was I just dreaming?" Lie still and remember the striking elements of the dream. Remain awake for several minutes. Freely think about what the dream could mean. This fixes the dream in memory and lets you tap into the larger meaning of the dream. You may want to jot notes on paper to help stimulate more recall.

It is best to wake up from a full sleep naturally without a disruptive alarm or radio. Reflect inwardly to allow dream feelings or images to surface. Lie quietly, minimize movement, and avoid distractions. Remain wrapped in the afterglow of the dream experience.

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